SGB Plant Sales, Inc. understands your need for well-formed trees and plants that will pass inspection.
We have years of experience selling trees and plants and understand your needs when dealing with different inspection processes.
We are well versed in architectural landscape terms and can answer most questions you may have about your landscape plans.
We also understand your need for the perfect interior plants. We ship only high quality material that has been shaded and prepared your project.
Scientific Name: Tibouchina granulosa
Common Name(s): Purple Glory Tree 25g Std.
Scientific Name: Tabebuia heterophylla
Common Name(s): Pink Trumpet Tree 25g 11-12ft
Scientific Name: Bursera simaruba
Common Name(s): Gumbo Limbo
25g Gumbo Limbo
Scientific Name: Bauhinia x blakeana
Hong Kong Orchid 25g Std 8-10'
Scientific Name: Callistemon
Common Name(s): Bottlebrush
25g Bottle Brush
Scientific Name: Lagerstroemia fauriei 'Tuscarora'
Common Name(s): Japanese Crape Myrtle 25g Crape Tuscarosa
Scientific Name: Coccoloba diversifolia
25g Pigeon Plum 10ft
25g White Geiger 10-12'
Scientific Name: Clusia rosea
Common Name(s): Pitch Apple, Autograph Tree
25g Clusia Rosea
Scientific Name: Clusia rosea
Common Name(s): Pitch Apple, Autograph Tree
45g Clusia Rosea
Scientific Name: Clusia guttifera
Common Name(s): Small Leaf Clusia 45g Std 10-12 ft
65G Clusia Rosea Std 14-16ft
100G Clusia Rosea Std.
300G Clusia Rosea Std.
300g Clusia Rosea 24'x20' Specimen
Scientific Name: Clusia rosea
Common Name(s): Pitch Apple,
25g Clusia Rosea Bush
Scientific Name: Clusia guttifera
15g Small Leaf Clusia Bush
25G Clusia Guttifera Bush
45g Clusia Guttifera, Bush
45g Clusia Guttifera, Bush
25G Silver Buttonwood Bush
Scientific Name: Conocarpus erectus 'Sericeus'
25g Silver Buttonwood Std. 10ft
45g Silver Buttonwood 6-8 ft Multi Bush
45G Silver Buttonwood Bush 8x4ft
45g Silver Buttonwood Std.
200g Silver Buttonwood 18ft oa
Scientific Name: Conocarpus erectus
25g Green Buttonwood - Bush
25g Green Buttonwood Std 12'
45g Green Buttonwood Std 14-16ft
100g Green Buttonwood Std
100g Green Buttonwood Std 18-20ft
45g Green Buttonwood Std 14-16ft
Scientific Name: Elaeocarpus decipiens
25g Japanese Blueberry Cone
25g Japanese Blueberry Bush
Scientific Name: Elaeocarpus decipiens
25g Japanese Blueberry FTB 10-12'
45g Japanese Blueberries 10ft Bush
45g Japanese Blueberries 10ft Std
65g Japanese Blueberry
FTB 10-12ft
100g Japanese Blueberry, Std 16-18'
25g Shady Lady
25g Queen Crape Myrtle
Scientific Name: Magnolia virginiana
Common Name(s): Sweetbay Magnolia
25g Sweet Bay Std 10ft
Scientific Name: Calliandra surinamensis
Common Name(s): Pink Powderpuff
25g Pink Powderpuff 10ft
25g and 45g Gardenia Miami Supreme 6'
15g Podocarpus Makii
25g Podocarpus Makii
45g Podocarpus Maki
25g Podo Makii Cone
100g Podo Maki Cone 12ft
Scientific Name: Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Maki'
Common Name(s): Japanese Yew
65g Podocapus Maki Std.
25g Jamaican Caper
25G Viburnum Awabuki
25g Viburnum odoratissimum
25g Walter Viburnum
25g Wax Myrtles
25g Oleander Calypso
15G Simpson stopper 6' ftb
25g Red Cedar
25g Simpson Stopper Bush
25g Eugenia Topiary Cone
25g Italian Cypress 10-12ft
45g Italian Cypress 10ft oa
30G Ilex Eagleston FTB 9' ph
45g Ilex Eagleston Holly FTB 12ft
65G Eagleston Holly Ilex x attenuata FTB 12ft oa
30g East Palatka Holly 6ft
45g Viburnum Suspension
30G Juniper Brodie 6' oa
30g Olive Std tended but edible
30G Magnolia Little Gem
30g Crape Myrtle 10ft Multi
30g Callistemon Bottlebrush 8-10ft oa
30g Sweetbay Std
30g Ligustrum Bush
Scientific Name: Cassia fistula
Common Name(s): Golden Shower Tree
45g Cassia 12ft oa
Scientific Name: Calophyllum brasiliense
45g, Brazilian Beautyleaf 14-16'
Scientific Name: Caesalpinia granadillo
Bridalveil Tree 45g Std 12-14'
Scientific Name: Ilex cassine
Dahoon Holly, Cassine Holly 45g 14'
45g, Tibouchina granulosa - Purple Glory Tree
45g, Olive edible 12' 2in Caliper
45G Japanese Fern Tree 7ft
45G Mahagony 16'
45g Orange Gieger 14-16'
45g Pidgeon Plum 12-14ft
45g Pink Tabebuia 12ft oa
45g Satin leaf Std 14'
45G Silk Floss 14ft
45G Simpson Stoppers 12' oa
45g Delonix regia Royal Poinciana 16-18'
65g Royal Poinciana18-20'
45g Stemmadenia litoralis Milky Way Tree Std 14'
45g Wild Tamarind
45g Live Oak 14' oa
45G Seagrape Std 14' oa
45g Seagrape Std
45g Seagrape 10-12ft Bush
45g TabebuiaYellow 12ft
45G Verawood Bulnesia Std 14ft
65g Brazilian Beauty
65G Pidgeon Plum 16ft
65g Silk Floss 14-16ft oa
65g Weeping Podocarpus glacior
65g Pinapple Guava
65g Tibouchina Std 9-10'
100G Silk Floss Spineless 16to18ft oa
Scientific Name: Quercus virginiana
Common Name(s): Live Oak, Southern Oak Tree
100g Live Oak 16-18'
Scientific Name: Bursera simaruba
100g Gumbo Limbo 18'
Scientific Name: Bulnesia arborea
Common Name: Verawood 100g 18' 3" Caliper
Scientific Name: Cassia fistula
100g Golden Shower Tree 16-18'
Scientific Name: Calophyllum brasiliense
Common Name(s): Calophyllum antillanum, Brazilian Beautyleaf 200g 18ft
Scientific Name: Caesalpinia granadillo
Common Name(s): Bridalveil Tree 200g 16-18'
Scientific Name: Cassia bakeriana
Common Name(s): Pink Shower Cassia, Dwarf Apple Blossom Tree 100g 18' 4 inch Caliper
Scientific Name: Swietenia mahagoni
Common Name(s): Mahogany Tree
Scientific Name: Tabebuia heterophylla
Common Name(s): Pink Trumpet Tree 100g